Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Dark Ages in Europe

Like many non-believers, I firmly maintain that the Christian church caused and perpetuated the Dark Ages in Europe.  I think there is ample evidence of this, particularly in the church's hostility to any form of scientific inquiry.  The church did not allow any sort of new learning but only that contained in the authorities of antiquity--those approved by the church of course, the rest were burned by the church.

Not only did the church try to prevent any form of scientific inquiry or thought that it did not control, it actively waged war against those who tried to change these conditions.  Luis Granados has published yet another enlightening article pointing out a specific example of this.  Luis often writes about the crimes of the church.  This time he highlights the church's strenuous and successful efforts to crush what could have been the beginning of the enlightenment--500 years before the enlightenment actually happened.

Frederick II was elected King of the Germans in 1211 at the age of 17 and later became Holy Roman Emperor.  Frederick was a scientist who had no use for religion or war (especially religiously motivated war) and who believed in egalitarianism and democracy.  Of course, the church couldn't allow any of that.  The church actually went to war with him.  He managed to hold the church off and survived until 1250.  But, after his death, the church murdered or incarcerated for life all 10 of his children.

Think about what this means.  The enlightenment could have begun in the first half of the 13th century if Frederick had not been preoccupied with and thwarted by the church.  Thanks to the church, the Western World suffered through five more centuries of darkness, ignorance, and suffering.

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