Monday, January 3, 2011

Hell Is the Absence of Reason

At the beginning of the movie "Platoon", the character played by Charlie Sheen said: 
"Somebody once wrote: 'Hell is the impossibility of reason.' That's what this place feels like.  Hell."
A related saying "hell is the absence of reason" is often attributed to Nietzsche, though it is unclear if he ever wrote those words.

Likewise, I don't know if I was the first one to write "faith is the rejection of reason", but I think it is clearly and absolutely true. 

When juxtaposed, these sayings can be seen to form a sort of extended syllogism:

Hell is the impossibility of reason; faith is the rejection of reason; the rejection of reason makes reason impossible; therefore faith is the impossibility of reason and therefore faith is hell.

I would add one more step:  What is hell?  It is the ultimate evil--an insane and tortuous existence that never ends.  Hell is something only a very sick mind could dream up, much less embrace.  Likewise faith.

The notion that we should all base our entire worldview on something for which there is no evidence is an insane and evil notion because it can only lead to insane and evil results.  Perhaps it was not such a bad principle for ordering human society during the early days of human history before we discovered notions of objectivity and rationality, but now that we know better it would clearly be insane to continue to adhere to it.


  1. The person who wrote "Hell is the impossibility of reason" was obviously someone who tried to deal with Bank of America.

  2. I reject that the statement has anything to do with Atheism.I think its perfectly reasonable to assume that if we lived by the 10 commandments and didnt carry out any of the 7 deadly sins set out for us by God then we would have a far more just,fair loving and reasonable society.God gave us these rules to live by so we can display our best attributes as humans such as the ability to reason for exanple.But we reject for the most part these rules hence their cant be any reason thats why this world is a living hell

    1. Well, by Jesus, sometimes atheists and Christians collide...reason is the answer.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hell is:
    The COMPLETE absence of God
    >Absence of Goodness
    >Absence of Grace
    >Absence of Repentance
    >Absence of Salvation

    Suffering on earth is a minimal absence of God. We are separated from his complete protection that we had when we walked immortal with him. We choose to disobey. We left God. God did not leave us: Jesus is the only way to the Father.

  5. The issue is that god is a figment of a fragmented mindset . Regardless of religious beliefs , all religions agree . The impossibility of reason is hell.

  6. These argeuements assume that modern reason the the penultimate expression of reason, goodness, and universal wisdom. Please for a moment, imagine that thousands of years in the future, mankind will possess far greater reasoning abilities, a context in which current reason is quite primitive. Whether or not one believes in God is a product of his/her current reasoning abilities, which is likely quite primative.
